Well Here We Are

I’ve officially graduated with a degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Mathematics. With a grand total of 130 credit hours completed and finishing with a GPA of 3.88 with Distinction. One of at least five in my department that achieved it.

Classes Completed

This final semester included 4 classes. One of which being my senior capstone project. As well as the following.

Advance Database Systems

Advance Databases Systems if anything was interesting. With the professor going over quite a few things from NoSQL databases to data warehousing.

Semester Project

Though the thing I’m probably going to remember the most is the semester project. Which I mentioned in my last post. By the end we ended up indexing over 60,000 different Wikipedia articles.

Though there are quite a few things that I think we’d do differently in the future. Such as looking into using a Graph based database like Neo4j due to the heavy use of relations we ended up making in our MongoDB database. Along with looking into preforming more actual analysis of the data we gathered.

Computer Security

Was very informative with us preforming “real world” exploits on systems. Though most of the exploits were dated. This class definitely provided the knowledge we needed in order to be aware of how our software could be compromised.

Numerical Analysis

As for Numerical Analysis this was another very interesting class. With the completion of it being all that was left for in order to get my Math Minor.

It also gave some insight to analysis which while I might not directly make use of in the future I feel that I am better for having taken the course than not.

Senior Capstone COMPLETED!

And we’ve finally completed our Senior Capstone and from what we could gather our sponsor was pleased with the progress we made. And even plans to use it in the future. Though I may have been a little quick to admit that I’m not 100% confident in the security of the project at this point in time. We did take the precautions.

Though due to the documents we signed relating with this project I’ll not be doing a writeup on the project as I have with previous class projects.

Final Feelings

Overall though I’m happy with how I finished. I might not have gotten a 4.0 and I might have been able to get a higher GPA. But where I ended and the connections I’ve made are nothing to scoff at.

Resolutions Progress

Unfortunately I need to make adjustments to the expectations of my New Years Resolutions though. As of now while I am interviewing with places I do not have full time employment. Which given the current situation is to be expected from what I can gather. But then again what do I know? This is just the beginning of my career and I don’t exactly have the most experience in this front.

Another adjustment is going to be how often I most. Initially I wanted to do weekly or biweekly posts. But as of now I’m thinking monthly posts are going to be more reasonable. So the new goal is that. With the intention being that they be dated for the 15th or 16th of each month.

Either way. Time to get to work. The perfect job isn’t going to land in my lap without some effort and searching. The journey is long and it’s just now beginning.

| "A journey of a thousand miles begins |
| with a single step."                  |
|                                       |
| Lao Tzu                               |
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