Well. The Spring Semester for 2022 is now complete. Even if I’m mildly late for this post. But hey, the only person setting deadlines for this blog is myself. That of course that doesn’t mean I’m exactly happy with how late it is. But life happens.

Classes Passed Successfully

Either way though I’m rather happy with how I finished the semester when it comes to my classes. They where even high enough that it improve my GPA by a whole 0.02. It wasn’t much. But considering how many credit hours in classes I’ve already taken it was a substantial increase. Bringing me up to a 3.84 GPA.

Software Engineering Project

I was also able to work on a Software Engineering project due to my Software Engineering Class. Our team received version one of a project that was developed the previous semester. The main idea of the project, which was ‘sponsored’ by a professor, was to assist the professor in taking attendance. The idea being the professor would use an app that would send QR codes to students at the beginning of the semester. The professor would then set up the same app up on a tablet as a kiosk of sorts for students to scan those QR codes on. Acting as a check-in at the beginning or end of lectures. The app would then provide other features for the professor that I plan on writing about in future posts.

Overall it wasn’t different from the professor’s current method of taking attendance. Where she would request students to generate QR codes that would contain their names in a specific format. The professor would then set up a tablet that would scan the QR codes and, to the understanding of the team I worked with, generate a text file that would contain all the names that where scanned. The professor would then have a file for each day and later combine the contents of those files into a single file that would act as a final record of attendance.

While this system has worked for the past two years, having been implemented due to Covid-19, it isn’t the best. Requiring the professor the manage multiple text files. One for each day and for each lecture the professor hosts. And until the professor combines the files they don’t exactly have a full picture of the attendance records. The goal of this project was to make the process easier and allow a better continuous picture of the current attendance situation.

And overall it was a very interesting experience. Not only did we learn how to develop an Android App using Java, but we also learned how to integrate OAuth into an app as well as using an online Database. And I will certainly be writing more about it later.

Now What About the Summer?

The week of finals I was a little disappointed when it came to what was to come during the summer. Without an internship prospect at the time the plan was for me to return to the same summer job I’ve had for the last few years. Just so I could earn enough to pay for my last two semesters in college. Which would allow me to continue with my plan to graduate debt free. And I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the prospect with again not work in a job that uses my degree.

And darn did that change fast. I’m sitting here not only having interviewed for internships. But now actually going through the process or being hired for one. And I’m now have the ability to validate at least some of my skill outside of a college setting. Because sure, I can and have passed all but a couple of my class with at least an A-. But at this point I have yet to work any other job other than a factory job. And haven’t been able to self validate my own skill. Now I have the opportunity and I couldn’t be happier.

Other than that I also planned on building an app that would contain games what where originally published in BASIC Computer Games Microcomputer Edition. With their being a current project to rewrite the games in to modern languages found here. And while I didn’t plan on using the code found in the current rewrite project it I was planning on using as a resource on the rules of the games in question and how they functioned. But as the keen reader will see I’m referring to this in past tense. That being because that is something I wanted to do. But currently have found that I may not have the time. Though plans change as clearly seen by my new job opportunity. Maybe finally getting out of a factory and off of second shift will allow me to have the time and more importantly the energy to be able to start another project.

The Future is Looking Bright

Overall though I’m thrilled with the outlook for the future. With an internship in the works and my final year of college fast approaching. And with my next few semester having interesting classes such as Human Computer Interaction, Web App Development, and Project Management. I’ll even be working on my Senior Capstone Project. And as of now I couldn’t be happier.