Well. As I am writing this it is less than 2 hour before my first class of for the Spring Semester of 2022. And what can I say? I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. In the coming weeks I’ll become engrossed again my classes. And likely working more on personal projects not necessarily because I have time but because I’ll get ideas and either from those classes or something else and I’ll want to do something with that idea before I forget it.

What I really want to do though is continue work on my current projects such as my README Generation Project. Which I have. Just not written anything much about. I also want to continue to work on this site. Even if it likely just become a blog about my projects and such.

The only question is when I want actually publish this site and how. I’ll Likely use GitHub Pages and just make a git repository that just contains a copy of the _site folder. Might not be the best way to do this considering that GitHub will build using Jekyll automatically. But I feel it gives me more control. That and it prevents me from posting drafts acting as a staging area/airlock. I don’t know honestly and that’s part of the fun.