Well. I added a few new project pages which can be found on my Projects page. All of them unfortunately are on project’s that I’ve worked on or are currently working on where I don’t really have much documentation on their progress over time. With some of them either having massive issues. Or would require a complete rewrite for me to reasonably start working with them again.

But at least if I place them here they can act as reminders of what I have done. And can even be used to possibly continue the projects later. Even if the terrain generation project would require a near complete rewrite. Darn I was stupid.

I also modified the layout for Project pages. I can now enable and disable the Posts section on them. Eventually I intend on making it so that is controlled by whether posts within the correct category exist. But for now this measure works just fine and it’s addition doesn’t break any of the pages I’ve already made. So it’s a win-win.