Having wanted to have specific pages for my projects I finally went through and actually did it. The pages though are simple enough and are more or less a modified home page.

The Projects page for example loops through all the pages on the site. Selecting only those that have the project layout. Which is then presented through a modified version of the list found for the posts on the Home page.

The project layout when does something similar. Except it does it based off of a front matter variable. The value of that variable is then compared to the categories of the posts. If the post is apart of the correct category it is then added to the list as a post about that project.

This should at least make it so that all posts about the same project can be easily found in one place. Or that’s the idea.

So far there are two projects on the site. But eventually more will be added. Until then. This is fine.

On another note the assets folder for this site is now organized my file type. The plan being to keep going that. Making it easier for the same asset to be used in multiple places. Specifically if I end up using p5.js more on this site.