It’s been a minute since I posted on here. But here is something I have been working on for a few months off and on that is related to the Attendance Tracker App.

More or less what I’ve been doing is slowly rebuilding the app using React.js. Giving myself a project I can work on while learning React.js that is complex enough to be considered somewhat of a challenge. While also being simple enough that I can use it as a learning experience. That and in the future if we wanted to make this app multi-platform it would be much simpler to do so using React and React Native rather than having vastly different code bases for the different platforms. Especially sense we don’t absolutely need the performance afforded to us by being completely native.

That being said version 1 can be found By following the link here. Feel free to take a look around. But please do not try to use it as a fully functioning app. Everything that would be stored in a database is currently being stored in LocalStorage. Which I have a low confidence in long term but allows for the thing to be functional for demonstration purposes.

There are also features like the ability to mark a student as not present and other operations like that. But the original Android app didn’t have that so I don’t feel exceptionally bad about this one not having it either. This web app also doesn’t have the ability to send emails due to that then requiring a proper infrastructure. Which I am currently not willing to pay for just a demo.


Home Page

Home Page

List of Semesters

List of Semesters

List of Classes

List of Classes

List of Students

List of Students

Import Students Pop-up

Import Students Pop-up

QR Code Scanning Pop-up

QR Code Scanning Pop-up

Example of Student Details with one mark saying they were present December 13th

Example of Student Details with one mark saying they were present December 13th