
Starter Packages

On December 31st, we patched the version of the Java starter package that we had released on December 30th.

Official Packages

Community Packages

Game Environment

The environment is on version 1.1. This version of the environment was posted on December 9th.



sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You should see a file titled "halite" in your current directory. This is the game environment. Put it in the root directory of your starter package.


Download the halite.exe executable from here. Put it in the root directory of your starter package.

Building from Source

Extract this archive.

If you are on Unix, run make inside the extracted folder. The halite binary will now run the environment.

If you are on Windows, run the "make.bat" file. The file named "halite.exe" is your new environment binary.

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